Terminology of Concentrated Poem

مصطلح القصيدة المركّزة



concentrated poem, short poem, concept of concentration


The “concentrated poem” is one of the modern critical terms, which this research suggests instead of the term “the short poem” because after a thorough and careful study of the term “the short poem”, we found that it was not based on a strong conventional ground, defined by specific, clear and critical foundations, and perhaps the shape and size of the poem is the main and direct reason for placing this term without looking at the rest parts of poem, its details and components. Moreover, we find that all the critics who have examined the term "short poem" have spoken in one way or another about the concept of concentration, which is one of its basics. This study focuses on the concept of concentrated poem and how it differs from other kinds of poems.

Author Biographies

Amin Ali, Cairo University - Egypt

PhD Fellow –Cairo University-Egypt

Rashid Masood, NUML Islamabad

PhD Scholar –NUML Islamabad


Ibn Manẓūr: Lesān Al-ʿrb.

Muḥammad Ben Sallām Al-ǧumaḥī: ṭabaqāt Fuḥūl Al-šuʿrāʾ (P: 26).

Al-ǧāḥeẓ: Al-bīān Wāl Tabyin (1: 207).

Abū Helāl Al-ḥasan ʿbd Al-lah Ben Sahl Al-ʿskarī: Ketāb Al-ṣenāʿtaīn Al-ketābaẗ Wāl šeʿr (92).

Īūsf ḥsīn Bakkār: Benāʾ Al-qaṣīdaẗ Al-ʿrabīẗ (P: 322).

Ibid. (P: 323).


Abū Al-ḥasan Ibn Rašīq Al-qaīrawānī: Al-ʿmdaẗ Fī Maḥāsen Al-šeʿr ūʾādābeh (1: 186).

ṭrrād Al-kubīsī: Ketāb Al-manzalāt manzelẗ Al-ḥadāṯaẗ (1: 209).

īūrī Lūtmān: Taḥlīl Al-naṣ Al-šeʿrī (P: 249).

Al-ṭāher Aḥmad Makkī: Al-šʿr Al-ʿrbī Al-mʿāṣer(87).

Kīneṯ īāsūdā: Wāḥedaẗ Bʿd Uẖra Tatafatatḥ Azhār Al-barqūq Derāsaẗ Ǧamālīāt Qaṣīdaẗ Al-hāīkū Al-īābānīẗ (194, 207-208). Dr. Saʿīd ʿllūš: Muʿǧam Al-muṣṭalaḥāt Al-ʾadabīẗ Al-muʿāṣeraẗ (224). Rāʾid ūlīd Sulaīmān ǧrādāt: Al-qaṣīdaẗ Al-qaṣīraẗ Fī Al-šeʿr Al-ʿrbī Al-ḥadīṯ (ālḥurr) (P: 31). Dr.ʿz Al-ddīn Ismāʿīl: Al-ʾadab ū Funūnuh (P: 92).

Dr.ʿz Al-ddīn Ismāʿīl: Al-š3ʿr Al-ʿrbī Al-muʿāṣer (P: 251). Dr.ʿz Al-ddīn Ismāʿīl: Al-ʾasus Al-ǧamālīaẗ Fī Al-naqd Al-ʿrbī ʿrḍ ū Tafsīr ū Muqārana (P: 359).

Īūsf ḥsīn Bakkār: Benāʾ Al-qaṣīdaẗ Al-ʿrabīẗ (P: 335).

Rāʾid ūlīd Sulaīmān ǧrādāt: Al-qaṣīdaẗ Al-qaṣīraẗ Fī Al-šeʿr Al-ʿrbī Al-ḥadīṯ (ālḥurr) (P: 39).

ṭrrād Al-kubīsī: Ketāb Al-manzalāt manzelẗ Al-ḥadāṯaẗ (1: 241).

Ibid. (1: 112).

Maǧdī ūhbaẗ ū Kāmel Al-muhandes: Muʿǧam Al-muṣṭalaḥāt Al-ʿrbīẗ Fī Al-luġaẗ Wālʾadab (56).

Sī-Dī Lewys: Al-ṣūraẗ Al-šeʿrīẗ (P: 44).

Dr. Muṣṭafa Nāṣef: Al-luġaẗ Wāltafsīr Wāltawāṣul (P: 327).

ṭrrād Al-kubīsī: Ketāb Al-manzalāt manzelẗ Al-ḥadāṯaẗ (1: 209).

Fāten ʿbd Al-ǧabbār Al-ḥīālī: Ǧamālīāt Al-funūn Fī Šeʿr Īūsf Ālṣāʾiġ (P: 18).

ʿlī Ǧaʿfar Al-ʿllāq: Mamlakaẗ Al-ġaǧar (1/120).

Rāʾid ūlīd Sulaīmān ǧrādāt: Al-qaṣīdaẗ Al-qaṣīraẗ Fī Al-šeʿr Al-ʿrbī Al-ḥadīṯ (ālḥurr) (P: 16).

Ūktāfīū Bāṯ: Al-šeʿr ū Nehāīāt Al-qarn (P: 29).


Ibid. (P: 7).

Ibid. (P: 12).

ṭarrād Al-kubīsī: Ketāb Al-manzalāt manzelẗ Al-ḥadāṯaẗ (1: 214).

Terminology of Concentrated Poem




How to Cite

Ali, A., & Masood, R. (2021). Terminology of Concentrated Poem: مصطلح القصيدة المركّزة. Alorooba Research Journal, 2(1), 146–157. Retrieved from https://www.alorooba.org/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/12