Features of Anomalous Quranic Readings and their Orientation from the words of the Arabs

ملامحُ مِنَ القراءاتِ الشَّاذّة وتوجيهُها مِن كلامِ العَرَب



Qur’anic Language, Linguistic Religious Value, Quraish, Dialects, Anomalous Quranic Readings


Qur’anic language has a special linguistic value as well as its religious value, as it contains a huge linguistic wealth which a scholar of this language can’t deny. It has many dialectical phenomena which belong to many tribes of Quraish. Many of these dialects and their words have been neglected by many dictionaries, language, and grammar books. The importance of readings in different dialects is evident and in fact it is necessity of a reader to read Quran with ease. To facilitate the Quranic reading there are other dialects other than Quraish dialect. This study is to shed light on different dialects of Holy Quran.

Author Biography

Dr. Ghaith Zarzoor, University of Hama – Syria

Faculty of Arts & Humanities, University of Hama – Syria




How to Cite

Dr. Ghaith Zarzoor. (2021). Features of Anomalous Quranic Readings and their Orientation from the words of the Arabs: ملامحُ مِنَ القراءاتِ الشَّاذّة وتوجيهُها مِن كلامِ العَرَب. Alorooba Research Journal, 2(4), 79–92. Retrieved from https://www.alorooba.org/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/20